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  • The most important meal of the day

    Savory or light and healthy, it has to be local and organic.

    Our Breakfast

  • Individually designed rooms

    Something for any taste … and direct bookers can make a wish.

    Our rooms

  • To the city center? You’re right there!

    From the Museumsquartier to the Spanish Riding School – the most important sights are just a short walk away.

    In the middle of Vienna

Legal info (Impressum)

Information according to § 5 ECG

Hotel Kugel

Schlu BetriebsgmbH
Hotel Kugel Vienna
Siebensterngasse 43 / Neubaugasse 46
1070 Vienna

Executive manager: Johannes Roller

Phone: +43 1 / 523 33 55
Fax: +43 1 / 523 33 55 – 5

email: office@hotelkugel.at

Banking information

ERSTE BANK | acc.nr.: 29514456700
IBAN: AT 552011129514456700| BIC: GIBAATW

VAT-number: ATU 66504614

Information about Online Dispute Resolution according to Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO

The Online Dispute Resolution website is an official website managed by the European Commission dedicated to helping consumers and traders resolve their disputes out-of-court. It can be reached under the following URL:


© 2016 Hotel Kugel
This is a SPiNNWERK | Websites, Social Media & mehr

Photo „Spittelberg“, title image of the section “Our Vienna”: Virginio Sacchi, via Creative Commons cc-by-sa